are those norms or values that are moving from generations to generations
without any positive change in them.Man is slave of customs that are trigger
down from generations to generation.Women especially become the victim of this
custom.They are treated unequally from the very first
day of birth Men considered women as their property and pay them only that value they they pay to the sandal .
They wear in their feet.The safety of women is always remain questionsable in Pakistani society especially in tribal areas.
Men always considered women for the reason of
their failure and loss in life and when men achieve something in life because of
men they get all credit on themselves
Even male took the credit of their well behaved
kids.but blame to the women for any negativity found in kids.
Exploitation of women is the issue found
everywhere in the worlds but in Pakistani rural society it is on its worse
They works day and night,daytime in the fields
and at night their homes for their survival but still they cannot get the reward.Somewhere
they don't even have right to speak,right to vote,right to get education and
right of basic facilities.Women is deprived of everything.